英文版老年与康复类学术期刊《Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation》正式创刊
- 分类:科研著作
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- 发布时间:2023-12-03 15:32
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英文版老年与康复类学术期刊《Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation》,于2023年11月正式面向全球开放投稿。《Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation》发表有关老年病学和康复医学的原创研究、评论文章和社论。 该期刊自2024 年起每季度出版一次,旨在满足老年人口康复日益增长的需求,包括老年学、衰老生物学和与年龄相关疾病的病理生理学研究,力争快速成为本领域最具国际影响力的学术期刊之一。主编为曾现伟教授、Huiliang Li教授(英国)和苏茂泉研究员,名誉主编为岳寿伟教授和吕泽平教授,由威科集团(Wolters Kluwer)负责海外发行。
《Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation》的创刊正是顺应习近平总书记提出的实施应对人口老龄化国家战略的重大部署,聚焦老年学、衰老生物学和与年龄相关疾病的病理生理学研究领域最先进理论和技术实践,为老龄化社会和康复服务领域提供国际最前沿的理论和实践支持。期刊欢迎针对影响老年人口的各种疾病的创新疗法和康复方法的研究,包括对动物模型和人体组织或细胞的研究,优先发布临床医生、康复医生和卫生政策制定者直接感兴趣的理论文章,核心目标是通过寻找有针对性的康复治疗方案和方法来提高人们的生活质量。
Journal Introduction
Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation is open for submissions worldwide in November 2023. Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation is an English language academic journal on aging and rehabilitation, edited by Prof. Zeng Xianwei, Prof. Huiliang Li (UK) and Prof. Su Maoquan. The journal is distributed overseas by Wolters Kluwer.
The Journal of Aging and Rehabilitation is a leading international journal that publishes original research, review articles, and editorials on geriatrics and rehabilitation medicine. Published quarterly since 2024, the journal aims to address the growing demand for rehabilitation of the elderly population, including research on gerontology, the biology of aging, and pathophysiology of age-related diseases. We welcome studies on innovative therapies and rehabilitation methods for various diseases affecting the elderly population, including research on animal models and human tissues or cells. Our core goal is to improve people's quality of life by finding targeted rehabilitation treatment plans and methods. We prioritize publishing material that is of immediate interest to clinicians, rehabilitation physicians, and health policy makers. However, we rarely publish analyses of bioinformatics analysis and epidemiological studies where the clinical or health policy implications are not clear.
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